var AssetManager = function() { var o = { load: function(collection, callback) { var jsList = (collection.js) ? collection.js : [], cssList = (collection.css) ? collection.css : [], imgList = (collection.img) ? collection.img : [] jsList = $.grep(jsList, function(item){ return $('head script[src="'+item+'"]').length == 0 }) cssList = $.grep(cssList, function(item){ return $('head link[href="'+item+'"]').length == 0 }) var cssCounter = 0, jsLoaded = false, imgLoaded = false if (jsList.length === 0 && cssList.length === 0 && imgList.length === 0) { callback && callback() return } o.loadJavaScript(jsList, function(){ jsLoaded = true checkLoaded() }) $.each(cssList, function(index, source){ o.loadStyleSheet(source, function(){ cssCounter++ checkLoaded() }) }) o.loadImage(imgList, function(){ imgLoaded = true checkLoaded() }) function checkLoaded() { if (!imgLoaded) return false if (!jsLoaded) return false if (cssCounter < cssList.length) return false callback && callback() } }, /* * Loads StyleSheet files */ loadStyleSheet: function(source, callback) { var cssElement = document.createElement('link') cssElement.setAttribute('rel', 'stylesheet') cssElement.setAttribute('type', 'text/css') cssElement.setAttribute('href', source) cssElement.addEventListener('load', callback, false) if (typeof cssElement != 'undefined') { document.getElementsByTagName('head')[0].appendChild(cssElement) } return cssElement }, /* * Loads JavaScript files in sequence */ loadJavaScript: function(sources, callback) { if (sources.length <= 0) return callback() console.log(source) var source = sources.shift(), jsElement = document.createElement('script'); jsElement.setAttribute('type', 'text/javascript') jsElement.setAttribute('src', source) jsElement.addEventListener('load', function() { o.loadJavaScript(sources, callback) }, false) if (typeof jsElement != 'undefined') { document.getElementsByTagName('head')[0].appendChild(jsElement) } }, /* * Loads Image files */ loadImage: function(sources, callback) { if (sources.length <= 0) return callback() var loaded = 0 $.each(sources, function(index, source){ var img = new Image() img.onload = function() { if (++loaded == sources.length && callback) callback() } img.src = source }) } }; return o; }; var assetManager = new AssetManager(); var BMapLib=window.BMapLib=BMapLib||{},BMAPLIB_TAB_SEARCH=0,BMAPLIB_TAB_TO_HERE=1,BMAPLIB_TAB_FROM_HERE=2; +(function($){ $(document).on('loaded.bdmap', function(){ /** * @fileoverview 百度地图的可根据当前poi点来进行周边检索、公交、驾车查询的信息窗口,对外开放。 * 主入口类是SearchInfoWindow, * 基于Baidu Map API 1.4。 * * @author Baidu Map Api Group * @version 1.4 */ /** * @namespace BMap的所有library类均放在BMapLib命名空间下 */ var BMapLib = window.BMapLib = BMapLib || {}; //常量,searchInfoWindow可选择的检索类型 var BMAPLIB_TAB_SEARCH = 0, BMAPLIB_TAB_TO_HERE = 1, BMAPLIB_TAB_FROM_HERE = 2; (function() { //声明baidu包 var T, baidu = T = baidu || {version: '1.5.0'}; baidu.guid = '$BAIDU$'; //以下方法为百度Tangram框架中的方法,请到 查看文档 (function() { window[baidu.guid] = window[baidu.guid] || {}; baidu.lang = baidu.lang || {}; baidu.lang.isString = function (source) { return '[object String]' ==; }; baidu.lang.Event = function (type, target) { this.type = type; this.returnValue = true; = target || null; this.currentTarget = null; }; baidu.object = baidu.object || {}; baidu.extend = baidu.object.extend = function (target, source) { for (var p in source) { if (source.hasOwnProperty(p)) { target[p] = source[p]; } } return target; }; baidu.event = baidu.event || {}; baidu.event._listeners = baidu.event._listeners || []; baidu.dom = baidu.dom || {}; baidu.dom._g = function (id) { if (baidu.lang.isString(id)) { return document.getElementById(id); } return id; }; baidu._g = baidu.dom._g; baidu.event.on = function (element, type, listener) { type = type.replace(/^on/i, ''); element = baidu.dom._g(element); var realListener = function (ev) { // 1. 这里不支持EventArgument, 原因是跨frame的事件挂载 // 2. element是为了修正this, ev); }, lis = baidu.event._listeners, filter = baidu.event._eventFilter, afterFilter, realType = type; type = type.toLowerCase(); // filter过滤 if(filter && filter[type]){ afterFilter = filter[type](element, type, realListener); realType = afterFilter.type; realListener = afterFilter.listener; } // 事件监听器挂载 if (element.addEventListener) { element.addEventListener(realType, realListener, false); } else if (element.attachEvent) { element.attachEvent('on' + realType, realListener); } // 将监听器存储到数组中 lis[lis.length] = [element, type, listener, realListener, realType]; return element; }; baidu.on = baidu.event.on; baidu.event.un = function (element, type, listener) { element = baidu.dom._g(element); type = type.replace(/^on/i, '').toLowerCase(); var lis = baidu.event._listeners, len = lis.length, isRemoveAll = !listener, item, realType, realListener; while (len--) { item = lis[len]; if (item[1] === type && item[0] === element && (isRemoveAll || item[2] === listener)) { realType = item[4]; realListener = item[3]; if (element.removeEventListener) { element.removeEventListener(realType, realListener, false); } else if (element.detachEvent) { element.detachEvent('on' + realType, realListener); } lis.splice(len, 1); } } return element; }; baidu.un = baidu.event.un; baidu.dom.g = function (id) { if ('string' == typeof id || id instanceof String) { return document.getElementById(id); } else if (id && id.nodeName && (id.nodeType == 1 || id.nodeType == 9)) { return id; } return null; }; baidu.g = baidu.G = baidu.dom.g; baidu.string = baidu.string || {}; baidu.browser = baidu.browser || {}; = = /msie (\d+\.\d+)/i.test(navigator.userAgent) ? (document.documentMode || + RegExp['\x241']) : undefined; baidu.dom._NAME_ATTRS = (function () { var result = { 'cellpadding': 'cellPadding', 'cellspacing': 'cellSpacing', 'colspan': 'colSpan', 'rowspan': 'rowSpan', 'valign': 'vAlign', 'usemap': 'useMap', 'frameborder': 'frameBorder' }; if ( < 8) { result['for'] = 'htmlFor'; result['class'] = 'className'; } else { result['htmlFor'] = 'for'; result['className'] = 'class'; } return result; })(); baidu.dom.setAttr = function (element, key, value) { element = baidu.dom.g(element); if ('style' == key){ = value; } else { key = baidu.dom._NAME_ATTRS[key] || key; element.setAttribute(key, value); } return element; }; baidu.setAttr = baidu.dom.setAttr; baidu.dom.setAttrs = function (element, attributes) { element = baidu.dom.g(element); for (var key in attributes) { baidu.dom.setAttr(element, key, attributes[key]); } return element; }; baidu.setAttrs = baidu.dom.setAttrs; baidu.dom.create = function(tagName, opt_attributes) { var el = document.createElement(tagName), attributes = opt_attributes || {}; return baidu.dom.setAttrs(el, attributes); }; baidu.cookie = baidu.cookie || {}; baidu.cookie._isValidKey = function (key) { // // Syntax: General // The two state management headers, Set-Cookie and Cookie, have common // syntactic properties involving attribute-value pairs. The following // grammar uses the notation, and tokens DIGIT (decimal digits) and // token (informally, a sequence of non-special, non-white space // characters) from the HTTP/1.1 specification [RFC 2068] to describe // their syntax. // av-pairs = av-pair *(";" av-pair) // av-pair = attr ["=" value] ; optional value // attr = token // value = word // word = token | quoted-string // // token = 1* // CHAR = // CTL = // tspecials = "(" | ")" | "<" | ">" | "@" // | "," | ";" | ":" | "\" | <"> // | "/" | "[" | "]" | "?" | "=" // | "{" | "}" | SP | HT // SP = // HT = return (new RegExp("^[^\\x00-\\x20\\x7f\\(\\)<>@,;:\\\\\\\"\\[\\]\\?=\\{\\}\\/\\u0080-\\uffff]+\x24")).test(key); }; baidu.cookie.getRaw = function (key) { if (baidu.cookie._isValidKey(key)) { var reg = new RegExp("(^| )" + key + "=([^;]*)(;|\x24)"), result = reg.exec(document.cookie); if (result) { return result[2] || null; } } return null; }; baidu.cookie.get = function (key) { var value = baidu.cookie.getRaw(key); if ('string' == typeof value) { value = decodeURIComponent(value); return value; } return null; }; baidu.cookie.setRaw = function (key, value, options) { if (!baidu.cookie._isValidKey(key)) { return; } options = options || {}; //options.path = options.path || "/"; // meizz 20100402 设定一个初始值,方便后续的操作 //berg 20100409 去掉,因为用户希望默认的path是当前路径,这样和浏览器对cookie的定义也是一致的 // 计算cookie过期时间 var expires = options.expires; if ('number' == typeof options.expires) { expires = new Date(); expires.setTime(expires.getTime() + options.expires); } document.cookie = key + "=" + value + (options.path ? "; path=" + options.path : "") + (expires ? "; expires=" + expires.toGMTString() : "") + (options.domain ? "; domain=" + options.domain : "") + ( ? "; secure" : ''); }; baidu.cookie.set = function (key, value, options) { baidu.cookie.setRaw(key, encodeURIComponent(value), options); }; baidu.cookie.remove = function (key, options) { options = options || {}; options.expires = new Date(0); baidu.cookie.setRaw(key, '', options); };// 声明快捷 //检验是否是正确的手机号 baidu.isPhone = function(phone) { return /\d{11}/.test(phone); } //检验是否是正确的激活码 baidu.isActivateCode = function(vcode) { return /\d{4}/.test(vcode); } T.undope=true; })(); /** * @exports SearchInfoWindow as BMapLib.SearchInfoWindow */ var SearchInfoWindow = /** * SearchInfoWindow类的构造函数 * @class SearchInfoWindow 入口。 * 可以定义检索模版。 * @constructor * @param {Map} map Baidu map的实例对象. * @param {String} content searchInfoWindow中的内容,支持HTML内容. * @param {Json Object} opts 可选的输入参数,非必填项。可输入选项包括:
* {
"title" : {String} searchInfoWindow的标题内容,支持HTML内容
* {
"width" : {Number} searchInfoWindow的内容宽度
* {
"height" : {Number} searchInfoWindow的内容高度
* {
"offset" : {Size} searchInfoWindow的偏移量
"enableAutoPan" : {Boolean} 是否启动自动平移功能,默认开启
"panel" : {String} 用来展现检索信息的面板,可以是dom元素或元素的ID值
"searchTypes" : {Array} 通过传入数组设置检索面板的Tab选项共有三个选项卡可选择,选项卡顺序也按照数组的顺序来排序,传入空数组则不显示检索模版,不设置此参数则默认所有选项卡都显示。数组可传入的值为常量:BMAPLIB_TAB_SEARCH<周边检索>, BMAPLIB_TAB_TO_HERE<到去这里>, BMAPLIB_TAB_FROM_HERE<从这里出发>
"enableSendToPhone" : {Boolean} 是否启动发送到手机功能,默认开启
* }
. * @example 参考示例:
* var searchInfoWindow = new BMapLib.SearchInfoWindow(map,"百度地图api",{ * title "百度大厦", * width : 280, * height : 50, * panel : "panel", //检索结果面板 * enableAutoPan : true, //自动平移 * enableSendToPhone : true, //是否启动发送到手机功能 * searchTypes :[ * BMAPLIB_TAB_SEARCH, //周边检索 * BMAPLIB_TAB_TO_HERE, //到这里去 * BMAPLIB_TAB_FROM_HERE //从这里出发 * ] * }); */ BMapLib.SearchInfoWindow = function(map, content, opts) { //存储当前实例 this.guid = guid++; BMapLib.SearchInfoWindow.instance[this.guid] = this; this._isOpen = false; this._map = map; this._opts = opts = opts || {}; this._content = content || ""; this._opts.width = opts.width; this._opts.height = opts.height; this._opts._title = opts.title || ""; this._opts.offset = opts.offset || new BMapGL.Size(0,0); this._opts.enableAutoPan = opts.enableAutoPan === false? false : true; this._opts._panel = opts.panel || null; this._opts._searchTypes = opts.searchTypes; //传入数组形式 this._opts.enableSendToPhone = opts.enableSendToPhone; //是否开启发送到手机 } SearchInfoWindow.prototype = new BMapGL.Overlay(); SearchInfoWindow.prototype.initialize = function(map) { this._closeOtherSearchInfo(); var me = this; var div = this._createSearchTemplate(); var floatPane = map.getPanes().floatPane; = "auto"; floatPane.appendChild(div); this._initSearchTemplate(); //设置完内容后,获取div的宽度,高度 this._getSearchInfoWindowSize(); this._boxWidth = parseInt(this.container.offsetWidth,10); this._boxHeight = parseInt(this.container.offsetHeight,10); //阻止各种冒泡事件 baidu.event.on(div,"onmousedown",function(e){ me._stopBubble(e); }); baidu.event.on(div,"ontouchstart",function(e){ me._stopBubble(e); }); baidu.event.on(div,"touchmove",function(e){ me._stopBubble(e); }); baidu.event.on(div,"touchend",function(e){ me._stopBubble(e); }); baidu.event.on(div,"onmouseover",function(e){ me._stopBubble(e); }); baidu.event.on(div,"click",function(e){ me._stopBubble(e); }); baidu.event.on(div,"dblclick",function(e){ me._stopBubble(e); }); return div; } SearchInfoWindow.prototype.draw = function() { this._isOpen && this._adjustPosition(this._point); } /** * 打开searchInfoWindow * @param {Marker|Point} location 要在哪个marker或者point上打开searchInfoWindow * @return none * * @example 参考示例:
*; */ = function(anchor){ this._map.closeInfoWindow(); var me = this,poi; if(!this._isOpen) { this._map.addOverlay(this); this._isOpen = true; //延迟10ms派发open事件,使后绑定的事件可以触发。 setTimeout(function(){ me._dispatchEvent(me,"open",{"point" : me._point}); },10); } if(anchor instanceof BMapGL.Point){ poi = anchor; //清除之前存在的marker事件绑定,如果存在的话 this._removeMarkerEvt(); this._marker = null; }else if(anchor instanceof BMapGL.Marker){ //如果当前marker不为空,说明是第二个marker,或者第二次点open按钮,先移除掉之前绑定的事件 if(this._marker){ this._removeMarkerEvt(); } poi = anchor.getPosition(); this._marker = anchor; !this._markerDragend && this._marker.addEventListener("dragend",this._markerDragend = function(e){ me._point = e.point; me._adjustPosition(me._point); me._panBox();; }); //给marker绑定dragging事件,拖动marker的时候,searchInfoWindow也跟随移动 !this._markerDragging && this._marker.addEventListener("dragging",this._markerDragging = function(){ me.hide(); me._point = me._marker.getPosition(); me._adjustPosition(me._point); }); } //打开的时候,将infowindow显示; this._point = poi; this._panBox(); this._adjustPosition(this._point); } /** * 关闭searchInfoWindow * @return none * * @example 参考示例:
* searchInfoWindow.close(); */ SearchInfoWindow.prototype.close = function(){ if(this._isOpen){ this._map.removeOverlay(this); this._disposeAutoComplete(); this._isOpen = false; this._dispatchEvent(this,"close",{"point" : this._point}); } } /** * 打开searchInfoWindow时,派发事件的接口 * @name SearchInfoWindow#Open * @event * @param {Event Object} e 回调函数会返回event参数,包括以下返回值: *
{"target : {BMapGL.Overlay} 触发事件的元素, *
"type:{String} 事件类型, *
"point:{Point} searchInfoWindow的打开位置} * * @example 参考示例: * searchInfoWindow.addEventListener("open", function(e) { * alert(e.type); * }); */ /** * 关闭searchInfoWindow时,派发事件的接口 * @name SearchInfoWindow#Close * @event * @param {Event Object} e 回调函数会返回event参数,包括以下返回值: *
{"target : {BMapGL.Overlay} 触发事件的元素, *
"type:{String} 事件类型, *
"point:{Point} searchInfoWindow的关闭位置} * * @example 参考示例: * searchInfoWindow.addEventListener("close", function(e) { * alert(e.type); * }); */ /** * 启用自动平移 * @return none * * @example 参考示例:
* searchInfoWindow.enableAutoPan(); */ SearchInfoWindow.prototype.enableAutoPan = function(){ this._opts.enableAutoPan = true; } /** * 禁用自动平移 * @return none * * @example 参考示例:
* searchInfoWindow.disableAutoPan(); */ SearchInfoWindow.prototype.disableAutoPan = function(){ this._opts.enableAutoPan = false; } /** * 设置searchInfoWindow的内容 * @param {String|HTMLElement} content 弹出气泡中的内容,支持HTML格式 * @return none * * @example 参考示例:
* searchInfoWindow.setContent("百度地图API"); */ SearchInfoWindow.prototype.setContent = function(content){ this._setContent(content); this._getSearchInfoWindowSize(); this._adjustPosition(this._point); }, /** * 设置searchInfoWindow的内容 * @param {String|HTMLElement} title 弹出气泡中的内容,支持HTML格式 * @return none * * @example 参考示例:
* searchInfoWindow.setTitle("百度地图API"); */ SearchInfoWindow.prototype.setTitle = function(title){ this.dom.title.innerHTML = title; this._opts._title = title; } /** * 获取searchInfoWindow的内容 * @return {String} String * * @example 参考示例:
* alret(searchInfoWindow.getContent()); */ SearchInfoWindow.prototype.getContent = function(){ return this.dom.content.innerHTML; }, /** * 获取searchInfoWindow的标题 * @return {String} String * * @example 参考示例:
* alert(searchInfoWindow.getTitle()); */ SearchInfoWindow.prototype.getTitle = function(){ return this.dom.title.innerHTML; } /** * 设置信息窗的地理位置 * @param {Point} point 设置position * @return none * * @example 参考示例:
* searchInfoWindow.setPosition(new BMapGL.Point(116.35,39.911)); */ SearchInfoWindow.prototype.setPosition = function(poi){ this._point = poi; this._adjustPosition(poi); this._panBox(); this._removeMarkerEvt(); } /** * 获得信息窗的地理位置 * @return {Point} 信息窗的地理坐标 * * @example 参考示例:
* searchInfoWindow.getPosition(); */ SearchInfoWindow.prototype.getPosition = function(){ return this._point; } /** * 返回信息窗口的箭头距离信息窗口在地图 * 上所锚定的地理坐标点的像素偏移量。 * @return {Size} Size * * @example 参考示例:
* searchInfoWindow.getOffset(); */ SearchInfoWindow.prototype.getOffset = function(){ return this._opts.offset; }, baidu.object.extend(SearchInfoWindow.prototype,{ /** * 保持屏幕只有一个searchInfoWindow,关闭现在已打开的searchInfoWindow */ _closeOtherSearchInfo: function () { var instance = BMapLib.SearchInfoWindow.instance, len = instance.length; while (len--) { if (instance[len]._isOpen) { instance[len].close(); } } }, /** * 设置searchInfoWindow的内容 * @param {String|HTMLElement} content 弹出气泡中的内容 * @return none * * @example 参考示例:
* searchInfoWindow.setContent("百度地图API"); */ _setContent: function(content){ if(!this.dom || !this.dom.content){ return; } //string类型的content if(typeof content.nodeType === "undefined"){ this.dom.content.innerHTML = content; }else{ this.dom.content.appendChild(content); } var me = this; me._adjustContainerWidth(); this._content = content; }, /** * 调整searchInfoWindow的position * @return none */ _adjustPosition: function(poi){ var pixel = this._getPointPosition(poi); var icon = this._marker && this._marker.getIcon(); if(this._marker){ = -(pixel.y - this._opts.offset.height - icon.anchor.height + icon.infoWindowAnchor.height) - this._marker.getOffset().height + 2 + 30 + "px"; = pixel.x - icon.anchor.width + this._marker.getOffset().width + icon.infoWindowAnchor.width - this._boxWidth / 2 + 28 + "px"; }else{ = -(pixel.y - this._opts.offset.height) + 30 + "px"; = pixel.x - this._boxWidth / 2 + 25 + "px"; } }, /** * 得到searchInfoWindow的position * @return Point searchInfoWindow当前的position */ _getPointPosition: function(poi){ this._pointPosition = this._map.pointToOverlayPixel(poi); return this._pointPosition; }, /** * 得到searchInfoWindow的高度跟宽度 * @return none */ _getSearchInfoWindowSize: function(){ this._boxWidth = parseInt(this.container.offsetWidth,10); this._boxHeight = parseInt(this.container.offsetHeight,10); }, /** * 阻止事件冒泡 * @return none */ _stopBubble: function(e){ if(e && e.stopPropagation){ e.stopPropagation(); }else{ window.event.cancelBubble = true; } }, /** * 自动平移searchInfoWindow,使其在视野中全部显示 * @return none */ _panBox: function(){ if(!this._opts.enableAutoPan){ return; } var mapH = parseInt(this._map.getContainer().offsetHeight,10), mapW = parseInt(this._map.getContainer().offsetWidth,10), boxH = this._boxHeight, boxW = this._boxWidth; //searchInfoWindow窗口本身的宽度或者高度超过map container if(boxH >= mapH || boxW >= mapW){ return; } //如果point不在可视区域内 if(!this._map.getBounds().containsPoint(this._point)){ this._map.setCenter(this._point); } var anchorPos = this._map.pointToPixel(this._point), panTop,panY, //左侧超出 panLeft = boxW / 2 - 28 - anchorPos.x + 10, //右侧超出 panRight = boxW / 2 + 28 + anchorPos.x - mapW + 10; if(this._marker){ var icon = this._marker.getIcon(); } //上侧超出 var h = this._marker ? icon.anchor.height + this._marker.getOffset().height - icon.infoWindowAnchor.height : 0; panTop = boxH - anchorPos.y + this._opts.offset.height + h + 31 + 10; panX = panLeft > 0 ? panLeft : (panRight > 0 ? -panRight : 0); panY = panTop > 0 ? panTop : 0; this._map.panBy(panX,panY); }, _removeMarkerEvt: function(){ this._markerDragend && this._marker.removeEventListener("dragend", this._markerDragend); this._markerDragging && this._marker.removeEventListener("dragging", this._markerDragging); this._markerDragend = this._markerDragging = null; }, /** * 集中派发事件函数 * * @private * @param {Object} instance 派发事件的实例 * @param {String} type 派发的事件名 * @param {Json} opts 派发事件里添加的参数,可选 */ _dispatchEvent: function(instance, type, opts) { type.indexOf("on") != 0 && (type = "on" + type); var event = new baidu.lang.Event(type); if (!!opts) { for (var p in opts) { event[p] = opts[p]; } } instance.dispatchEvent(event); }, /** * 检索infowindow模板的初始化操作 */ _initSearchTemplate: function() { this._initDom(); this._initPanelTemplate(); this.setTitle(this._opts._title); if (this._opts.height) { = parseInt(this._opts.height, 10) + "px"; } this._setContent(this._content); this._initService(); this._bind(); if (this._opts._searchTypes) { this._setSearchTypes(); } this._mendIE6(); }, /** * 创建检索模板 * @return dom */ _createSearchTemplate: function() { if (!this._div) { var div = baidu.dom.create('div', { "class" : "BMapLib_SearchInfoWindow", "id" : "BMapLib_SearchInfoWindow" + this.guid }); var template = [ '
', '
', '
', '
', '
', '
', '
', '
', '
', '
', '
', '
', '
', '
    ', //tab选项卡 '
  • ', '在附近找', '
  • ', '
  • ', '到这里去', '
  • ', '
  • ', '从这里出发', '
  • ', '
', '
    ', //tab内容 '
  • ', '
    ', '', '
    ', '', '
    ', '
    ', '
  • ', '', '
', '
', '
', '
', '' ]; div.innerHTML = template.join(""); this._div = div; } return this._div; }, /** * 创建面板 */ _initPanelTemplate: function() { var panel = baidu.g(this._opts._panel); if (!this.dom.panel && panel) { panel.innerHTML = ""; this.dom.panel = panel; //供地址选择页用的提示文字 var address = baidu.dom.create('div'); = "display:none;background:#FD9;height:30px;line-height:30px;text-align:center;font-size:12px;color:#994C00;"; panel.appendChild(address); this.dom.panel.address = address; //供地址检索面板用 var localSearch = baidu.dom.create('div'); panel.appendChild(localSearch); this.dom.panel.localSearch = localSearch; } }, /** * 获取相关的DOM元素 */ _initDom: function () { if (!this.dom) { this.dom = { container : baidu.g("BMapLib_SearchInfoWindow" + this.guid) //容器 , content : baidu.g("BMapLib_bubble_content" + this.guid) //主内容 , title : baidu.g("BMapLib_bubble_title" + this.guid) //标题 , closeBtn : baidu.g("BMapLib_bubble_close" + this.guid) //关闭按钮 , transIco : baidu.g("BMapLib_trans" + this.guid) //infowindow底下三角形 , navBox : baidu.g("BMapLib_nav" + this.guid) //检索容器 , navTab : baidu.g("BMapLib_nav_tab" + this.guid) //tab容器 , seartTab : baidu.g("BMapLib_tab_search" + this.guid) //在附近找tab , tohereTab : baidu.g("BMapLib_tab_tohere" + this.guid) //到这里去tab , fromhereTab : baidu.g("BMapLib_tab_fromhere" + this.guid) //从这里出发tab , searchBox : baidu.g("BMapLib_searchBox" + this.guid) //普通检索容器 , transBox : baidu.g("BMapLib_transBox" + this.guid) //公交驾车检索容器,从这里出发和到这里去公用一个容器 , stationText : baidu.g("BMapLib_stationText" + this.guid) //起点或终点文本 , nbBtn : baidu.g("BMapLib_search_nb_btn" + this.guid) //普通检索按钮 , busBtn : baidu.g("BMapLib_search_bus_btn" + this.guid) //公交驾车检索按钮 , driveBtn : baidu.g("BMapLib_search_drive_btn" + this.guid) //驾车检索按钮 , searchText : baidu.g("BMapLib_search_text" + this.guid) //普通检索文本框 , transText : baidu.g("BMapLib_trans_text" + this.guid) //公交驾车检索文本框 , sendToPhoneBtn : baidu.g("BMapLib_sendToPhone" + this.guid) //发送到手机 } this.container = this.dom.container; } }, /** * 设置infowindow内容的宽度 */ _adjustContainerWidth: function() { var width = 250, height = 0; if (this._opts.width) { width = parseInt(this._opts.width, 10); width += 10; } else { width = parseInt(this.dom.content.offsetWidth, 10); } if (width < 250) { width = 250; } this._width = width; //设置container的宽度 = this._width + "px"; this._adjustTransPosition(); }, /** * 调整infowindow下三角形的位置 */ _adjustTransPosition: function() { //调整三角形的位置 = this.container.offsetWidth / 2 - 2 - 29 + "px"; = this.container.offsetHeight + "px"; }, /** * 初始化各检索服务 */ _initService: function () { var map = this._map; var me = this; var renderOptions = {} = map; if (this.dom.panel) { renderOptions.panel = this.dom.panel.localSearch; } if (!this.localSearch) { this.localSearch = new BMapGL.LocalSearch(map, { renderOptions: renderOptions , onSearchComplete : function (result) { me._clearAddress(); me._drawCircleBound(); } }); } if (!this.transitRoute) { this.transitRoute = new BMapGL.TransitRoute(map, { renderOptions: renderOptions , onSearchComplete : function (results) { me._transitRouteComplete(me.transitRoute, results); } }); } if (!this.drivingRoute) { this.drivingRoute = new BMapGL.DrivingRoute(map, { renderOptions: renderOptions , onSearchComplete : function (results) { me._transitRouteComplete(me.drivingRoute, results); } }); } }, /** * 绑定事件 */ _bind: function () { var me = this; //关闭按钮 baidu.on(this.dom.closeBtn, "click", function(e) { me.close(); }); baidu.on(this.dom.closeBtn, "touchstart", function(e) { me.close(); }); //发送到手机按钮 baidu.on(this.dom.sendToPhoneBtn, "click", function(e) { me._sendToPhone(); }); baidu.on(this.dom.sendToPhoneBtn, "touchstart", function(e) { me._sendToPhone(); }); //周边检索tab键 baidu.on(this.dom.seartTab, "click", function(e) { me._showTabContent(BMAPLIB_TAB_SEARCH); }); baidu.on(this.dom.seartTab, "touchstart", function(e) { me._showTabContent(BMAPLIB_TAB_SEARCH); }); //到这里去tab baidu.on(this.dom.tohereTab, "click", function(e) { me._showTabContent(BMAPLIB_TAB_TO_HERE); }); baidu.on(this.dom.tohereTab, "touchstart", function(e) { me._showTabContent(BMAPLIB_TAB_TO_HERE); }); //从这里出发tab baidu.on(this.dom.fromhereTab, "click", function(e) { me._showTabContent(BMAPLIB_TAB_FROM_HERE); }); baidu.on(this.dom.fromhereTab, "touchstart", function(e) { me._showTabContent(BMAPLIB_TAB_FROM_HERE); }); //周边检索输入框 baidu.on(this.dom.searchText, "click", function(e) { me._localSearchAction(); }); baidu.on(this.dom.searchText, "touchstart", function(e) { me._localSearchAction(); }); //周边检索按钮 baidu.on(this.dom.nbBtn, "click", function(e) { me._localSearchAction(); }); baidu.on(this.dom.nbBtn, "touchstart", function(e) { me._localSearchAction(); }); //公交检索按钮 baidu.on(this.dom.busBtn, "click", function(e) { me._transitRouteAction(me.transitRoute); }); baidu.on(this.dom.busBtn, "touchstart", function(e) { me._transitRouteAction(me.transitRoute); }); //驾车检索按钮 baidu.on(this.dom.driveBtn, "click", function(e) { me._transitRouteAction(me.drivingRoute); }); baidu.on(this.dom.driveBtn, "touchstart", function(e) { me._transitRouteAction(me.drivingRoute); }); //文本框自动完成提示 this._autoCompleteIni(); if (this._opts.enableSendToPhone === false) { = 'none'; } }, /** * 显示tab内容 */ _showTabContent: function(type) { this._hideAutoComplete(); var tabs = this.dom.navTab.getElementsByTagName("li"), len = tabs.length; for (var i = 0, len = tabs.length; i < len; i++) { tabs[i].className = ""; } //显示当前tab content并高亮tab switch (type) { case BMAPLIB_TAB_SEARCH: this.dom.seartTab.className = "BMapLib_current"; = "block"; = "none"; break; case BMAPLIB_TAB_TO_HERE: this.dom.tohereTab.className = "BMapLib_current"; = "none"; = "block"; this.dom.stationText.innerHTML = "起点"; this._pointType = "endPoint"; break; case BMAPLIB_TAB_FROM_HERE: this.dom.fromhereTab.className = "BMapLib_current"; = "none"; = "block"; this.dom.stationText.innerHTML = "终点"; this._pointType = "startPoint"; break; } this._firstTab.className += " BMapLib_first"; }, /** * 绑定自动完成事件 */ _autoCompleteIni: function () { this.searchAC= new BMapGL.Autocomplete({ "input" : this.dom.searchText , "location" : this._map }); this.transAC = new BMapGL.Autocomplete({ "input" : this.dom.transText , "location" : this._map }); }, /** * 关闭autocomplete */ _hideAutoComplete: function () { this.searchAC.hide(); this.transAC.hide(); }, /** * 销毁autoComplete对象 */ _disposeAutoComplete: function() { this.searchAC.dispose(); this.transAC.dispose(); }, /** * 触发localsearch事件 */ _localSearchAction: function() { var kw = this._kw = this.dom.searchText.value; if (kw == "") { //检测是否为空 this.dom.searchText.focus(); } else{ this._reset(); this.close(); var radius = this._radius = 1000; this.localSearch.searchNearby(kw, this._point, radius); } }, /** * 画周边检索的圆形圈 */ _drawCircleBound: function() { this._closeCircleBound(); var circle = this._searchCircle = new BMapGL.Circle(this._point, this._radius, { strokeWeight: 3, strokeOpacity: 0.4, strokeColor: "#e00", filColor: "#00e", fillOpacity:0.4 }); var label = this._searchLabel = new RadiusToolBar(this._point, this.guid); this._map.addOverlay(circle); this._map.addOverlay(label); this._hasCircle = true; }, /** * 修改周边检索的半径 */ _changeSearchRadius: function() { var radius = parseInt(baidu.g("BMapLib_search_radius" + this.guid).value, 10); if (radius > 0 && radius != this._radius) { this._radius = radius; this.localSearch.searchNearby(this._kw, this._point, radius); this._closeCircleBound(); } }, /** * 关闭周边检索的圆形圈 */ _closeCircleBound: function(radius) { if (this._searchCircle) { this._map.removeOverlay(this._searchCircle); } if (this._searchLabel) { this._map.removeOverlay(this._searchLabel); } this._hasCircle = false; }, /** * 公交驾车检索查询 */ _transitRouteAction: function (transitDrive) { var kw = this.dom.transText.value, me = this, map = me._map if (kw == "") { //检测是否为空 this.dom.transText.focus(); } else { this._reset(); this.close(); var transPoi = this._getTransPoi(kw); var isStart = false if(typeof transPoi.start === 'string') { isStart = true var alert_msg = '请点击标注点, 选择起点!' var confirm_msg = '你确定重这里出发吗?' }else{ var alert_msg = '请点击标注点, 选择终点!' var confirm_msg = '你确定到这里吗?' } var localSearch = new BMapGL.LocalSearch(map, { renderOptions: {map: map} , onSearchComplete : function (result) { if(!result) return false alert(alert_msg) map.clearOverlays() setTimeout(() => { for(var i=0, item; item = result._pois[i]; i++) { var data = item item.marker.addEventListener('click', function(e){ if(confirm(data.title+'\n'+'地址:'+data.address+'\n----------\n'+confirm_msg)){ map.clearOverlays() setTimeout(() => { if(isStart), transPoi.end); else, e.latLng); }, 10); } }) } }, 200); } }); if(isStart); else; } }, /** * 公交驾车查询结束操作 */ _transitRouteComplete: function(transitDrive, results) { this._clearAddress(); var status = transitDrive.getStatus(); //导航结果未知的情况 if (status == BMAP_STATUS_UNKNOWN_ROUTE) { var startStatus = results.getStartStatus(), endStatus = results.getEndStatus(), tip = ""; tip = "找不到相关的线路"; if (startStatus == BMAP_ROUTE_STATUS_EMPTY && endStatus == BMAP_ROUTE_STATUS_EMPTY) { tip = "找不到相关的起点和终点"; } else { if (startStatus == BMAP_ROUTE_STATUS_EMPTY) { tip = "找不到相关的起点"; } if (endStatus == BMAP_ROUTE_STATUS_EMPTY) { tip = "找不到相关的终点"; } } //当前搜索的点找不到明确的路线,但是可以检索到poi点 if (this._pointType == "startPoint" && endStatus == BMAP_ROUTE_STATUS_ADDRESS || this._pointType == "endPoint" && startStatus == BMAP_ROUTE_STATUS_ADDRESS) { this._searchAddress(transitDrive); } else { = "block"; this.dom.panel.address.innerHTML = tip; } } }, /** * 检索起点或终点的可选地址 */ _searchAddress: function(transitDrive) { var me = this; var panel = this.dom.panel; if (!this.lsAddress) { var renderOptions = {map: this._map}; if (panel) { renderOptions.panel = this.dom.panel.localSearch; } this.lsAddress = new BMapGL.LocalSearch(this._map, {renderOptions: renderOptions}); } var station = me._pointType == "startPoint" ? "终点" : "起点"; if (panel) { = "block"; this.dom.panel.address.innerHTML = "请选择准确的" + station; } this.lsAddress.setInfoHtmlSetCallback(function(poi,html){ var button = document.createElement('div');"position:relative;left:50%;margin:5px 0 0 -30px;width:60px;height:27px;line-height:27px;border:1px solid #E0C3A6;text-align:center;color:#B35900;cursor:pointer;background-color:#FFEECC;border-radius:2px; background-image: -webkit-gradient(linear, left top, left bottom, from(#FFFDF8), to(#FFEECC))"; button.innerHTML = '设为' + station; html.appendChild(button); baidu.on(button, "click", function(){ me._clearAddress(); var nowPoint = poi.marker.getPosition(); if (station == "起点") {, me._point); } else {, nowPoint); } }); }); this._reset();; }, /** * 获取公交驾车的起终点 */ _getTransPoi: function(kw) { var start, end; if (this._pointType == "startPoint") { start = this._point; end = kw; } else { start = kw; end = this._point; } return { "start" : start, "end" : end } }, /** * 设置当前可提供的检索类型 */ _setSearchTypes: function () { var searchTypes = this._unique(this._opts._searchTypes), navTab = this.dom.navTab, tabs = [this.dom.seartTab, this.dom.tohereTab, this.dom.fromhereTab], i = 0, len = 0, curIndex = 0, tab; this.tabLength = searchTypes.length; tabWidth = Math.floor((this._width - this.tabLength + 1) / this.tabLength); if (searchTypes.length == 0) { //若为空则不显示检索面板 = "none"; } else { for (i = 0, len = tabs.length; i < len; i++) { tabs[i].className = ""; tabs[i].style.display = "none"; } for (i = 0; i < this.tabLength; i++) { tab = tabs[searchTypes[i]]; if (i == 0) { tab.className = "BMapLib_first BMapLib_current"; this._firstTab = tab; curIndex = searchTypes[i]; } if (i == this.tabLength - 1) { //最后一个tab的宽度 var lastWidth = this._width - (this.tabLength - 1) * (tabWidth + 1); if ( == 6) { = lastWidth - 3 + "px"; } else { = lastWidth + "px"; } } else { = tabWidth + "px"; } = "block"; } //按照数组顺序排序tab if (searchTypes[1] != undefined) { navTab.appendChild(tabs[searchTypes[1]]) } if (searchTypes[2] != undefined) { navTab.appendChild(tabs[searchTypes[2]]) } this._showTabContent(curIndex); } this._adjustTransPosition(); }, /** * 对用户提供的检索类型去重,并剔除无效的结果 */ _unique : function (arr) { var len = arr.length, result = arr.slice(0), i, datum; // 从后往前双重循环比较 // 如果两个元素相同,删除后一个 while (--len >= 0) { datum = result[len]; if (datum < 0 || datum > 2) { result.splice(len, 1); continue; } i = len; while (i--) { if (datum == result[i]) { result.splice(len, 1); break; } } } return result; }, /** * 清除最近的结果 */ _reset : function () { this.localSearch.clearResults(); this.transitRoute.clearResults(); this.drivingRoute.clearResults(); this._closeCircleBound(); this._hideAutoComplete(); }, /** * 清除地址选择页结果 */ _clearAddress: function() { if (this.lsAddress) { this.lsAddress.clearResults(); } if (this.dom.panel) { = "none"; } }, /** * IE6下处理PNG半透明 * @param {Object} infoWin */ _mendIE6 : function(infoWin){ if(! || > 6){ return; } var popImg = this.container.getElementsByTagName("IMG"); for(var i = 0; i < popImg.length; i++) { if (popImg[i].src.indexOf('.png') < 0) { continue; } popImg[i].style.cssText += ';FILTER: progid:DXImageTransform.Microsoft.AlphaImageLoader(src='+ popImg[i].src +',sizingMethod=crop)' popImg[i].src = ""; } }, /** * 发送到手机 */ _sendToPhone : function(){ this.showPopup(); }, /** * 弹出信息框 */ showPopup: function() { if (!this.pop) { this.pop = new Popup(this); } this._map.addOverlay(this.pop); } }); // 显示半径的自定义label function RadiusToolBar(point, guid){ this._point = point; this.guid = guid; } RadiusToolBar.prototype = new BMapGL.Overlay(); RadiusToolBar.prototype.initialize = function(map){ this._map = map; var div = this._div = document.createElement("div"); function stopBubble(e){ if(e && e.stopPropagation){ e.stopPropagation(); }else{ window.event.cancelBubble = true; } } baidu.on(div, 'mousedown', stopBubble); baidu.on(div, 'touchstart', stopBubble); baidu.on(div, 'click', stopBubble); baidu.on(div, 'dblclick', stopBubble); var searchInfoWindow = BMapLib.SearchInfoWindow.instance[this.guid]; = 'position:absolute;white-space:nowrap;background:#fff;padding:1px;border:1px solid red;z-index:99;'; div.innerHTML = 'm 修改关闭'; map.getPanes().labelPane.appendChild(div); return div; } RadiusToolBar.prototype.draw = function(){ var map = this._map; var pixel = map.pointToOverlayPixel(this._point); = pixel.x + 10 + "px"; = pixel.y - 25 + "px"; } //后端服务地址 var serviceHost = ""; /** * 创建弹层对象 */ function Popup(iw){ this.iw = iw; } Popup.prototype = new BMapGL.Overlay(); baidu.extend(Popup.prototype, { initialize : function(map){ var me = this; this._map = map; this.container = this.generalDom(); this._map.getContainer().appendChild(this.container); this.initDom(); this.bind(); this.getAddressByPoint(); this.getRememberPhone(); this.addPhoneNum = 0; return this.container; }, draw : function() { }, generalDom: function() { var dom = document.createElement('div'), size = this._map.getSize(), top = 0, left = 0; if (size.width > 450) { left = (size.width - 450) / 2; } if (size.height > 260) { top = (size.height - 260) / 2; } = "position:absolute;background:#fff;width:480px;height:260px;top:" + top + "px;left:" + left + "px;ovflow:hidden;"; var html = [ '
', '发送到手机', '', '
', '
', '
', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '
', '
', '
', '', '
', '
', '
', '
', '
', '
', '
', '


', '', '', '', '
', '', '', ].join(''); dom.innerHTML = html; return dom; }, initDom: function() { this.dom = { sms_tip : baidu.g('BMapLib_sms_tip'), //提示框 activate_btn : baidu.g('BMapLib_activate_btn'), //获取激活码按钮 fromphone : baidu.g("BMapLib_phone_0"), tophone : baidu.g("BMapLib_phone_1"), isRememberPhone : baidu.g("BMapLib_is_remember_phone"), sms_container : baidu.g('BMapLib_sms_pnl_phone'), success_tip : baidu.g('BMapLib_success_tip'), // 发送成功提示框 add_phone_con : baidu.g('BMapLib_add_phone_con'), add_phone_btn : baidu.g('BMapLib_add_phone_btn'), activateBox : baidu.g('BMapLib_activateBox'), activateTip : baidu.g('BMapLib_activateTip'), activate_input : baidu.g("BMapLib_activate"), ver_image : baidu.g("BMapLib_ver_image"), ver_input : baidu.g("BMapLib_ver_input") } }, showTip: function(result) { var error = result.error; var tipObj = { 'PHONE_NUM_INVALID' : '手机号码无效', 'SMS_SEND_SUCCESS' : '发送到手机成功', 'AK_INVALID' : '你所使用的key无效', 'INTERNAL_ERROR' : '服务器错误', 'OVER_MAX_ACTIVATE_TIME' : '今天已超过发送激活码最大次数', 'SMS_ACTIVATE_SUCCESS' : '激活码已发送到您的手机,请注意查收!', 'ACTIVATE_FAIL' : '手机激活码无效', 'SMS_LACK' : '今天您还能往5个手机发送短信', 'PARAM_INVALID' : '请填完所有选项', 'SEND_ACTIVATE_FAIL' : '激活码发送失败', 'VCODE_VERITY_FAIL' : '验证码校验失败' } var tip = tipObj[error]; if (error == 'SMS_LACK') { var res_sms = result.res_sms; tip = "今天您还能往" + res_sms + "个手机发送短信"; this.addPhoneNum = res_sms - 1; } this.renderImageVer(); if (tip) { this.dom.sms_tip.innerHTML = tip; = "inline"; } if (error == 'SMS_SEND_SUCCESS') { this.rememberPhone(); this.sendSuccess(); } }, //绑定事件 bind: function() { var me = this; me.renderImageVer(); baidu.on(this.container, 'click', function(e) { var target = || e.srcElement, bid = target.getAttribute('bid'); switch (bid) { case 'close': me.closeActon(); break; case 'sendToPhoneBtn': me.sendAction(); break; case 'activate': me.activateAction(); break; case 'addPhone': me.addPhoneAction(); break; case 'deletePhone': me.deletePhoneAction(target); break; case 'BMapLib_ver_image': me.renderImageVer(); } }); var phone0 = baidu.g('BMapLib_phone_0'); var phone1 = baidu.g('BMapLib_phone_1'); //限制输入的字符,只能输数字和逗号 this.container.onkeypress = function (e) { var event = e || window.e, keyCode = event.which || event.keyCode, result = false; if (keyCode >= 48 && keyCode <= 57 || keyCode == 44 || keyCode == 8) { result = true; } return result; }; this.dom.ver_input.onkeypress = function(e){ me._stopBubble(e); var event = e || window.e, keyCode = event.which || event.keyCode, result = false; if (keyCode >= 48 && keyCode <= 57 ||keyCode >= 65 && keyCode <= 90||keyCode >= 97 && keyCode <= 122) { result = true; } return result; }; baidu.on(this.dom.fromphone, 'blur', function(){ if (baidu.isPhone(this.value)) { me.checkActivateAction(); } else { me.dom.activateTip.innerHTML = ""; = "none"; } }); baidu.on(this.dom.activate_input, 'blur', function(){ if (baidu.isActivateCode(this.value)) { me.checkActivateAction(); } }); }, /** * 阻止事件冒泡 * @return none */ _stopBubble: function(e){ if(e && e.stopPropagation){ e.stopPropagation(); }else{ window.event.cancelBubble = true; } }, //请求验证码. renderImageVer:function(){ var me = this; //验证码想着绑定 this.request("",{"cbName":"cb"},function(data){ me.vcode = data['content']['vcode']; me.dom.ver_image.src = '' + me.vcode; }); }, //验证手机号是否已经激活 checkActivateAction: function() { var param = { phone : this.dom.fromphone.value, activate : this.dom.activate_input.value, cbName : 'callback' } var me = this; this.request(this.config.ckActivateURL, param, function(res){ if (!res || res.isactivate == false) { //未激活 = "table-row"; = "red"; me.dom.activateTip.innerHTML = "未激活"; } else { //已激活 = "none"; = "green"; me.dom.activateTip.innerHTML = "已激活"; } }); }, //点击激活按钮事件 activateAction: function() { var me = this; var ak = this._map.getKey(); var params = { phone: this.dom.fromphone.value, ak : ak, cbName: "callback" } if (baidu.isPhone( { this.request(this.config.activateURL, params, function(result){ if (result) { me.showTip(result); } }); } else { this.showTip({ error: 'PHONE_NUM_INVALID' }); } }, //点击关闭按钮事件 closeActon: function() { this._map.removeOverlay(this); }, // 获取短信的内容 getMessage: function() { }, // 免费发送到手机点击事件 sendAction: function() { var me = this; if (this.validate()) { tophoneStr = baidu.g("BMapLib_phone_1").value; var addPhones = this.dom.add_phone_con.getElementsByTagName('input'); for (var i = 0, len = addPhones.length; i < len; i++) { if (baidu.isPhone(addPhones[i].value)) { tophoneStr += ',' + addPhones[i].value; } else { this.showTip({ error: 'PHONE_NUM_INVALID' }); return; } } var ak = this._map.getKey(); var params = { fromphone : baidu.g("BMapLib_phone_0").value, //发送方手机 tophone : tophoneStr, //发送到手机 ak : ak, //用户ak activate : this.dom.activate_input.value, //激活码 code_input : this.dom.ver_input.value, vcode : this.vcode, content : baidu.g("BMapLib_phone_0").value + "分享一个位置给您," + this.messageContent, cbName : 'callback' }; this.request(this.config.sendURL, params, function(result){ if (result) { me.showTip(result); } }); } }, //检验数据格式是否正确 validate: function() { var flag = true; if (!(baidu.isPhone(this.dom.fromphone.value) && baidu.isPhone(this.dom.tophone.value))) { flag = false; this.showTip({ error: 'PHONE_NUM_INVALID' }); }; return flag; }, getAddressByPoint: function() { var pt = this.iw._point, me = this, gc = new BMapGL.Geocoder(); gc.getLocation(pt, function(rs){ if (rs && rs.addressComponents) { var addComp = rs.addressComponents; me.address = addComp.province + + addComp.district + addComp.street + addComp.streetNumber; me.generalMessage(); } }); }, generalMessage: function() { var msgContent = baidu.g('BMapLib_msgContent'); var msg = ""; var iw = this.iw; var point = iw.getPosition(); if (this.userPhone) { msg += this.userPhone + "分享一个位置给您,"; } if (iw.getTitle) { msg += "名称为:" + iw.getTitle() + ","; } if (this.address) { msg += "大致位置在" + this.address + ","; } var uri = "" + + "," + point.lng + "&title=" + encodeURIComponent(iw.getTitle()) + "&content=" + encodeURIComponent(iw.getContent()) + "&output=html"; var params = { url : encodeURIComponent(uri), t : new Date().getTime(), cbName : 'callback' }; var me = this; this.request(this.config.shortURL, params, function(result){ msg += "查看地图:" + result.url ? result.url : uri; me.messageContent = msg; msgContent.innerHTML = msg; }); }, //记住手机号码 rememberPhone: function() { if (this.dom.isRememberPhone.checked) { var phone = this.dom.tophone.value; baidu.cookie.set('BMapLib_phone', phone, { path: '/', expires: 30 * 24 * 60 * 60 * 1000 }); } }, //获取记住的手机号码 getRememberPhone: function() { var phone = baidu.cookie.get('BMapLib_phone'); if (phone) { this.dom.tophone.value = phone; this.dom.isRememberPhone.checked = true; } }, //发送成功后执行 sendSuccess: function() { = "none"; = "block"; var me = this; setTimeout(function(){ me._map.removeOverlay(me); }, 1500); }, //新增手机号事件 addPhoneAction: function() { if (this.addPhoneNum >= 4) { } else { var div = document.createElement('div'); div.innerHTML = '删除'; this.dom.add_phone_con.appendChild(div); this.addPhoneNum++; } }, //删除一个手机号事件 deletePhoneAction: function(target){ target.parentNode.parentNode.removeChild(target.parentNode); this.addPhoneNum--; }, //jsonp 请求 request: function(url, params, cbk) { // 生成随机数 var timeStamp = (Math.random() * 100000).toFixed(0); // 全局回调函数 BMapLib["BMapLib_cbk" + timeStamp] = function(json){ cbk && cbk(json); delete BMapLib["BMapLib_cbk" + timeStamp]; }; for (var item in params) { if (item != "cbName") { url += '&' + item + "=" + params[item]; } } var me = this; url += "&" + params.cbName + "=BMapLib.BMapLib_cbk" + timeStamp; scriptRequest(url); }, config: { sendURL : serviceHost + "/ws/message?method=send", activateURL : serviceHost + "/ws/message?method=activate", ckActivateURL : serviceHost + "/ws/message?method=ckActivate", shortURL : "" } }); 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marker=markers[i]; i++) { $.bdmap.setMarker(map,marker) } } $.bdmap.setMarker = function(map,marker) { if(marker.point) { var point = marker.point.split(',') marker.point = new BMapGL.Point(point[0],point[1]); if(marker.has_icon == '1' && marker.icon) { var map_marker_icon = new BMapGL.Icon(marker.icon, new BMapGL.Size(marker.size,marker.size * 2)), map_marker = new BMapGL.Marker(marker.point,{icon: map_marker_icon}), search_info_offset = new BMapGL.Size(0, marker.size / 2) }else{ var map_marker = new BMapGL.Marker(marker.point), search_info_offset = new BMapGL.Size(0, 15) } if(marker.title && marker.has_info == "1") { var searchInfoWindow = new BMapLib.SearchInfoWindow(map, marker.content, { title : marker.title, //标题 width : 290, //宽度 height : 105, //高度 panel : "panel", //检索结果面板 offset: search_info_offset, enableAutoPan : true, //自动平移 searchTypes :[ BMAPLIB_TAB_TO_HERE, //到这里去 BMAPLIB_TAB_FROM_HERE //从这里出发 ] }); map_marker.addEventListener("click", function(e){; }) if(marker.info_clickable === '1') {; 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